Boy Scout Camps are organized and operated by Boy Scout Councils. Camp Chickagami has its roots in Trumbull County, so our story begins there:
On March 24, 1919 an organizational meeting was held by a committee of the Warren Rotary Club. A new Boy Scout Council was formed called the Warren Local Council with John B. Estabrook serving as President. The first Council Commissioner was Lynn B. Dana and the first Scout Executive was Chief D.M. Olds. Scouting grew rapidly, so much so that on June 24, 1930 the Warren Local Council joined the Niles Council to form the Trumbull County Council. It was not until January 30, 1948 that the Trumbull County Council became the Western Reserve Council. This was ultimately merged with the Northeast Ohio Council and the Mahoning Valley Council to form the Greater Western Reserve Council in 1994.
Now with that council history, lets explore the camping history: Since the council had no established camp in 1919, the summer of that year was spent on what was called a Gypsy Hike covering 85 miles with a horse and wagon and scouts walking along the road. The route of the hike is not known, but this was a long hike even by todays standards.
Records also show that approximately 50 Scouts went to Camp Mudjekeewis which was located in Bazetta Township. This camping facility was also used in 1920 at a camp fee of $4.00 per boy per week. In 1921 and 1922 the Warren Local Council established a Scout Summer Camp on the shores of Lake Erie. According to records it was located at Lake Shore Park in Ashtabula, Ohio at first and later was set up at Belle Haven just west of Ashtabula. This Deep Water camp, as it was called, was a two week experience for the boys. Many of the parents were concerned about Lake Eries swimming hazards. A total of 104 boys participated in this great camping experience under the supervision of George (Doc) Treager, the Camp Director.
In 1922 Camp Skudiweecook was established in Parkman, Ohio along the shores of the Grand River. This operated until 1930. In 1931 Camp Skudiweecook was re-established in Windham Ohio and remained there until 1940 when the land was taken over for the establishment of the Ravenna Arsenal as the country positioned itself for World War II.
On June 21, 1941, Camp Chickagami opened and was dedicated during a special Dedication Camporee with much pomp and ceremony. It should also be noted that the Western Reserve Council also operated Camp Goodaire in Garrettsville from 1956 through 1980. It served as the councils more primitive camp with one cabin and a smaller sugar shack. When it was closed, the Scouters Cabin on the far side of Lake Estabrook at Chickagami was renamed Goodaire Lodge in memory of the other camp.